is a rather risky business - Twelve months is a long sentence to pay if you've somehow gotten
it wrong. But if you're up for the challenge and absolutely confident that you've done all your research, it is possible, (but by no means easy) to secure a property before you arrive.

· You can’t smell a picture and only the best ones will be shown - ask to see more!
· Photographs are always taken at the brightest time of day. Natural sunlight is limited at
the best of times, so you want to ensure you get as much of it as you can!
· Ventilation is also important. Damp, dark bathrooms and living spaces become moldy very
quickly. Note: Some properties have bedrooms and/or living areas are below ground level.
· If
it's not possible for you to view the property in person, try to
organise for a friend or
colleague to attend an inspection on your
behalf and ask them to take lots of photos.

· Find out as much as you can about the local area – If you haven’t already downloaded
The Oxford Fresher's Guide to 'Searching for your new home' now is the time!
· Remember that the advertisements will always focus on the properties strong points, so be
sure to consider what they are not telling you - Is the property behind a night club or train
line or in a dodgy part of town? (Google Maps is very useful).
· If you plan to rent a ‘furnished’ property, ensure you know exactly what you are getting.
Furniture, fixtures and fittings featured in the photographs will not necessarily be there
when you arrive. (A full inventory list should be provided by your real estate agent).

· Does the property have an allocated parking space? Is it eligible for a permit?
Tip: You'll find details on how to obtain a parking permit are included in The Oxford
Fresher's guide to 'Buying a Car & Driving in the UK'.
· and last but not least, if you (or your friend or colleague) notice any faults during the
inspection, ask if they can be fixed before you move in. Tip: Check the exhaust fan in the
It’s important to note that customer service is not one of Britain’s strong suits - equal
measures of preparedness, patience and persistence are a must but in this case,
will not necessarily guarantee success.
It’s important to note that customer service is not one of Britain’s strong suits - equal
measures of preparedness, patience and persistence are a must but in this case,
will not necessarily guarantee success.
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